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- News desk: news@SteamboatPilot.com
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- Mailing address: P.O. Box 774827, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477
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- Bonnie Stewart, publisher, bstewart@steamboatpilot.com
- Holly Hunter, operations manager, hhunter@steamboatpilot.com
- Courtney Brackett, operations assistant, cbrackett@steamboatpilot.com
- Amanda Sundberg, circulation and distribution manager, asundberg@steamboatpilot.com
- Trevor Ballantyne, editor, tballantyne@steamboatpilot.com
- Andy Bockelman, copy editor/page designer, abockelman@steamboatpilot.com
- John F. Russell, business and social services, photographer, jrussell@steamboatpilot.com
- Tom Skulski, sports and outdoors, tskulski@steamboatpilot.com
- Emma Pilger, courts and crime, public safety, epilger@steamboatpilot.com
- Suzie Romig, health and environment, sromig@steamboatpilot.com
- Keith Kramer, copy editor/reporters coach, kkramer@steamboatpilot.com
- John Chalstrom, special publications editor, jchalstrom@steamboatpilot.com
Regional reporting team
- Andrew Maciejewski, editor, amaciejewski@steamboatpilot.com
- Ali Longwell, environment and water, wildlife, health and arts and entertainment, alongwell@steamboatpilot.com
- Robert Tann, housing and real estate, transportation, outdoors and recreation, and ski industry, rtann@steamboatpilot.com
- Andrea Teres-Martinez, education, business, public safety, and equity and immigration, ateres-martinez@steamboatpilot.com
- Brian Kennedy, ad director, bkennedy@steamboatpilot.com
- Karen Gilchrist, multimedia account manager, kgilchrist@steamboatpilot.com
- Theresa Howard, multimedia account manager, thoward@steamboatpilot.com
- Michaela Davis, multimedia account manager, mdavis@steamboatpilot.com
- Sam McAlister, multimedia account manager, smcalister@steamboatpilot.com
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