Community Agriculture Alliance: Land stewardship course offered this fall

Todd Hagenbuch
Community Agriculture Alliance

“Sustainable” seems to have become the catchword of the decade, and for good reason. But long before “sustainable” became the term of choice to denote an activity that could be replicated indefinitely without negative impact, the term “stewardship” was used to indicate the same thing, especially in regard to land and agricultural practices.

In the spirit of sustainability and stewardship, the Community Agriculture Alliance and Routt County CSU Extension are teaming up again to offer a land stewardship class this fall to anyone interested in learning how to better manage property. Designed for folks who are interested in becoming better stewards of the land, this intensive short course is offered this fall the evening of Thursday, Oct. 10 and all day on Saturday, Oct. 12. The course is perfect for small acreage owners, rural property owners and real estate agents who deal with transactions that involve land, big or small.

A wide variety of topics will be covered throughout the course. Participants will learn to become aware of their own surroundings, becoming familiar with how to identify plants, weeds, grasses and trees in the area, and will learn how interactive relationships between soil, plants and water affects what grows in specific areas. Water law, irrigation practices, range and pasture management, county planning and building regulation, fire mitigation, and production/food system processes will be just some of the many subjects covered in the program.

Land stewardship is a responsibility that we owe not to the generations before us, but to those who come after us. Our forefathers thought enough of us to take care of the land so that we could use it for our benefit, and we have the opportunity to do the same for the generations who follow us. The land stewardship course will help you learn how to become a better steward of your property, benefiting you, your neighborhood, your community, your children and anyone else who calls or will call our valley home.

For more information and to register for the Land Stewardship class, please visit

A fee of $100 applies to Community Ag Alliance members, $125 for non-members, and $175 for Realtors earning continuing education credits.

Todd Hagenbuch is the Routt County CSU Extension Director.

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