Hayden Tigers best Soroco Rams in Routt County volleyball rivalry series

Hayden junior Taryn Schlim and Soroco senior Kendall Gibson battle for the point at the net in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden. Schlim won the point for the Tigers, who defeated the Rams in three sets to improve to 4-7 on the season.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today

The Hayden Tigers invited their rivals from the south to town for a cross-county matchup on the volleyball court Thursday night. 

Soroco battled late in the third set in hopes of extending the match, but Hayden proved to be too much for the Rams, leading to a 3-0 Tigers’ victory. 

“Winning and losing as a team brings us closer together,” Hayden coach Becky Copeland said. “We had a rough week last week, so we really regrouped on Monday, talked about what we needed to work on and I think they see that working together helps them win and keeps them going.”

Copeland gave props to sophomore libero Kobi Ortiz, whom Copeland said has done a great job digging from the back row and being a young leader for the Tigers. 

“My back row stayed where they needed to be,” Copeland said. “They stayed in the back row and didn’t get sucked up, which has kind of been an issue for us in the past. It worked out today.”

Hayden dominated the opening two sets, overpowering Soroco with kills at the net and challenging serves. The Tigers’ height at the front — including juniors Taryn Schlim and Cydny Witherell — created a wall the Rams could not penetrate on early hits. 

Soroco dropped the first two sets 25-14 and 25-19. The short break between sets gave the Rams time to rest and refocus. The third set went back-and-forth and ultimately came down to the final points of the set when a foot fault on a Soroco serve solidified the match for the Tigers. 

Hayden improved to a 4-7 record on the season but remains in search of its first league victory. The Tigers will travel to Parachute on Saturday for their next match against Grand Valley. 

Soroco is now 1-7 on the season as of Friday morning, but the Rams are set to play two matches this weekend — one against Rangely Friday night and another against North Park on Saturday.

Soroco sophomore Makinly Long sets the ball as the Rams play Hayden in volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden senior Kennedi Copeland receives a Soroco serve in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden’s Kiera Faucett, a junior, skims the top of the net on a spike to score a point for Hayden in a volleyball game against Soroco on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco sophomore Mia Cranwell receives a Tigers serve as the Rams face Hayden on the volleyball court Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden’s Kiera Faucett (2) and Ella Harris (23) play defense at the net as the Tigers face Soroco in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco junior Kolbie Pierce hits the ball over the net in a volleyball game against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Tigers senior Olivia Svoboda keeps the play alive as Hayden takes on Soroco in a volleyball game Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco junior Ceci Gregory receives a Tigers serve as the Rams face Hayden in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Tigers sophomore Ella Harris receives a Soroco serve in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco sophomore Mary Adrian bumps the ball to one of her teammates as the Rams face Hayden in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden junior Kiera Faucett goes for a kill as the Tigers play Soroco in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco senior Kendall Gibson tips the ball over the net as Hayden’s Ella Harris (23) and Kiera Faucett (2) defend in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden senior Kennedi Copeland spikes the ball in a volleyball match against Soroco on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco junior Ceci Gregory receives a serve as the Rams face Hayden on the volleyball court Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden senior Kennedi Copeland serves as the Tigers face Soroco in a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco junior Kolbie Pierce tips the ball over the net in a volleyball match against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden’s Taryn Schlim (6) and Kiera Faucett (2) go for the block as the Tigers volleyball team plays Soroco on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco senior Kendall Gibson sets the ball over the net in a volleyball game against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Kobi Ortiz, sophomore, returns a serve during a Hayden volleyball game on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Ceci Gregory runs down the line of high-fives from her Soroco volleyball teammates, prior to a match against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
The Hayden Tigers volleyball team celebrates a point scored early in the third set during a match against Soroco on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco senior Kendall Gibson’s feet come off the ground as she receives a Hayden serve in a volleyball game Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden junior Lillian Hayden looks to score a point in a volleyball match against Soroco with the Tigers student section in the background Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024, in Hayden.
Eli Pace/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Kendall Gibson gets above the net for a kill in a Soroco volleyball game against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden sophomore Ella Harris places one over the reaching hands of the Soroco defenders during a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco junior Kolbie Pierce puts one away from her Hayden blocker during a volleyball match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden junior Kiera Faucett spikes the ball over the net during a Tigers volleyball game against Soroco on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco freshman Alexis Iacovetto bumps the ball during a volleyball match against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Kennedi Copeland, a senior on the Hayden volleyball team, leaps up to put down a spike during a match against Soroco on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Sophomore Mia Cranwell gets low to return a serve during a Soroco volleyball match against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden’s Cydny Witherell gets her hands up to block an incoming hit from Soroco sophomore Jenna Cole-Wheeler during a match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Ceci Gregory returns a high serve during a Soroco volleyball match against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Hayden senior Olivia Svoboda prepares to spike the ball during a volleyball match against Soroco on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Ava Elshere, a junior on the Soroco volleyball team, serves to her Hayden opponents during a match Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Kendall Gibson, senior, serves the ball for the Soroco volleyball team on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Mary Adrian serves for the Soroco volleyball team on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco senior Ruby Hill passes to the front row at the start of a point during a volleyball match in Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today
Soroco senior Kendall Gibson puts one down in the second set of a volleyball match against Hayden on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
Tom Skulski/Steamboat Pilot & Today

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