Letter: Keep Routt Wild works to protect our wildlife

I know the Mad Rabbit Trail project is a passionate topic, but it’s important to stick to the facts. Mr. Frithsen incorrectly states that Keep Routt Wild was formed with the “sole purpose of preventing the implementation of the Mad Rabbit trails project.” That is incorrect.

KRW was formed to protect wildlife and wildlife habitat. KRW was one of the first voices in the community to provide facts and information about wolves before wolf reintroduction passed. As a nonprofit, the organization has to provide programs and initiatives that are inline with their mission in order to keep their nonprofit status.

Beyond the Mad Rabbit Trail project, they provide information on how to keep bears safe, noxious weeds and seasonal closures. Seasonal closures were implemented to keep wildlife safe during the critical birthing and winter seasons to give wildlife a better opportunity for survival. KRW provides links to seasonal closures so people can be informed.

While we all think of wildlife as abundant, disruptions around sensitive habitats can see wildlife populations diminish, sometimes extremely. This can be due to natural factors or human factors. KRW is simply trying to protect sensitive wildlife habitat across Routt County, not just in the proposed Mad Rabbit Trail area, in order to protect wildlife. Can we please respect that work even if we choose to disagree about people’s positions on the Mad Rabbit Trail project?

Dagny McKinley
Oak Creek

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