Letter to the Editor: STAND voices support for immigrant, trans communities
Letter to the editor
As members of STAND (Steamboat Team to Disrupt Antisemitism and Discrimination), we want to express our deep support and solidarity with the Trans community and the Immigrant/Migrant community in Routt County during this time of transition in national leadership that may impact you.
We recognize that these communities, already facing unique challenges, are now navigating even greater uncertainty. We want to remind you that you are seen, valued, and supported. It is crucial that we come together, united in the belief that every person deserves dignity, respect, and the right to live free from discrimination.
As it is taught in Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) 2:4, “Do not separate yourself from the community.” This timeless wisdom calls on each of us to remain united and support one another, particularly those who are marginalized or vulnerable. In times of adversity, it is our responsibility to stand together, as a community, in solidarity and compassion.
No matter where we fall on the political spectrum, we all have a role to play in creating a community that is safe, welcoming, and inclusive for all people. Our differences should not divide us in our shared commitment to justice and equality. It is up to each of us to ensure that everyone, regardless of identity or background, feels valued and protected.
At STAND, we are committed to being a resource for those who need support. If you or anyone you know is feeling isolated or struggling, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to offer assistance, lend an ear, and ensure that you do not have to face any challenges alone.
Together, we can create a Routt County where everyone, regardless of their identity or background, feels safe, supported, and valued.
More information about STAND is available at standsteamboat.com.
With respect, kindness, and solidarity.
STAND (Steamboat Team to Disrupt Antisemitism and Discrimination)
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