Man killed in off-road vehicle accident identified

The Routt County Coroner’s office has identified the man who died in an off-road highway vehicle accident Wednesday as 88-year-old James G. Floyd.

Coroner Mitch Locke said details about the cause of the accident, which occurred on a property near Pagoda in West Routt County, are not yet known.

Emergency personnel from multiple agencies responded to the scene Wednesday morning after an individual discovered the vehicle being driven by Floyd, referred to as an OHV, upside down and submerged in a body of water on a property on Routt County Road 29.

According to emergency dispatch communications, the OHV had reportedly been submerged for approximately 1-2 hours before first responders reached the scene and performed life saving techniques including CPR for roughly 40 minutes.

The property where the incident occurred is in a remote section of unincorporated Routt County south of Hayden and southeast of Craig near the Pagoda neighborhood.

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