‘Navigating Medicare’ workshop returns Tuesday at the library

Bud Werner Library presents “Navigating Medicare” at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Library Hall. 

This is a free talk in the library’s ongoing Health Perspectives series and an opportunity for Medicare enrollees to learn more with the State Health Insurance Assistance Program, which helps Medicare enrollees navigate the Medicare system and provides free, unbiased and individualized information.

Presenter Jonnah Glassman is the SHIP Medicare Coordinator for Routt County, and she returns to the library. She works for Vintage, the local Area Agency on Aging based out of the Northwest Council of Governments. She comes with a wealth of knowledge and has a team of local Medicare Counselors in the area she can connect you with as well.

This Medicare presentation will cover: How to enroll; original Medicare Part A and B; employer insurance and Medicare; Advantage and Medigap Plans; Part D drug Coverage; and open enrollment updates.

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