Routt County Humane Society to hold puppy training class

Routt County Humane Society will hold puppy obedience classes starting on Oct. 29, 2024.
Routt County Humane Society/Courtesy photo

Routt County Humane Society is hosting a four-week puppy training class starting Oct. 29.

The class will be for puppies under four months of age who have received the first two rounds of vaccinations to teach commands and obedience.

Led by Monique Guimond, an experienced canine trainer from Dogma Canine Training, the class will help new puppy owners set the foundation for a life of good behavior.

The classes will be held in the training room at the Routt County Humane Society’s Wellness Clinic from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Oct. 29, and Nov. 5, 12 and 19.

To learn more and register, visit Bit.Ly/3UjMZ6h.

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