Some trails face temporary closures amid BLM fuels reductions project on Emerald Mountain

The meadows along one novice loop at Emerald Mountain provide some easy riding and sprawling 360-degree views of the valley and surrounding beauty. Sections of Emerald Mountain will undergo temporary closures for the Bureau of Land Management's fuels reductions project. The first closures will be imposed on the Ridge and Rotary trails beginning Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024.
Ben Ingersoll/Steamboat Pilot & Today

The Bureau of Land Management will implement the first phase of its fuels reductions project in the Emerald Mountain Special Recreation Management Area beginning Wednesday. 

The Ridge and Rotary trails will be temporarily closed while mastication work is being completed. BLM has not yet issued an estimated reopening date. 

The fuels reduction work is scheduled for multiple phases over the next four to five years. Treatments will focus on areas with the greatest likelihood for large fire runs while mature vegetation will be left in place. 

The project will include road improvements, a timber sale of mixed conifer stands, hand thinning in areas inaccessible to heavy equipment and the mechanical mastication of oak and brush, where feasible. 

The Colorado State Forest Service and BLM have developed treatment prescriptions that they say will reduce hazardous fuels with potential to impact Steamboat Springs and neighboring lands. 

“Hand thinning and piling would also occur along the Beall Trail and in areas not accessible to heavy equipment,” said CSFS Lead Forester Carolina Manriquez, in a news release. “Beyond improving forest and rangeland health, other benefits include a reduction in hazardous fuel, improvement of wildlife habitat, increased public safety and a reduction in trail maintenance.”

Temporary closures will occur throughout different areas of Emerald Mountain while work is being completed. A map of these closures, along with closure information, can be found at or by calling the Little Snake Field Office and Emerald Mountain information kiosk at 970-826-5000.

The area shaded in blue depicts Emerald Mountain’s temporary closure for the Bureau of Land Management to complete work on its fuels reductions project. The closure will begin Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024.
Screenshot/Bureau of Land Management

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