Steamboat Springs Rotary supports relief efforts in Ukraine

During a Tuesday presentation to the Steamboat Rotary Club, Laura Pauli explains how World Community Kitchen set up a welcoming stop at the first train station in Poland while accepting adults and children fleeing Ukraine. Refugees stepping off their trains were met with a hot meal and children were presented with a stuffed animal because many had to leave their homes with virtually no possessions or food because of bombings in their towns.
Steamboat Rotary/Courtesy photo

On Tuesday, the Steamboat Springs Rotary Club received a presentation by Laura Pauli entitled “Boots on the Ground – Stories from the War in Ukraine.”  

Pauli heads the nonprofit Feed the World and has received humanitarian funds from the Steamboat Springs Rotary Club to help open a mental health meditation center for children and adults suffering from the destruction of war.  

Many orphans at the center, aged 4-17, have lost family members or have parents fighting in the war. During her presentation, Laura explained these children experience daily what Americans experienced during 9/11.

She has made numerous trips in 2023-2024 to deliver humanitarian aid and supplies and has volunteered with World Central Kitchen to provide thousands of meals all across Ukraine — to meet people in the moment of their most profound need.

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