Volunteers needed for ReTree plantings Sept. 21, 28

The annual community tree planting volunteer project called ReTree is set for two Saturday mornings, Sept. 21 and 28, along the Elk River in Routt County.

The ReTree project has planted more than 24,000 tree saplings in the Yampa Valley through the years to increase shade along riverways, reduce water temperatures, improve riparian habitat and take carbon pollution out of the atmosphere.

Individuals and groups are welcome to participate in this family-oriented, hands-on volunteer event sponsored by nonprofit Yampa Valley Sustainability Council. Participants will receive a ReTree T-shirt designed by local artist Jill Bergman, along with free snacks.

The planting on Sept. 21 will take place from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on property along the Elk River off County Road 44. The planting on Sept. 28 will be 9 a.m.-noon on private property along the Elk River off Highway 129.

Participants are asked to sign up in advance at

Community volunteers are needed to help plant tree saplings for two ReTree project mornings on Sept. 21 and Sept. 28, 2024.
ReTree/Courtesy photo

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