Letter: We need a miracle at Casey’s Pond

During my almost 20 years in community building work, I have come to realize that the spirit of a community can be judged by their awareness and treatment of its most vulnerable populations (elderly, youth, minorities, people with disabilities, etc.)

In the Jewish tradition, we are obligated to care for our elders and to look out for them, even if they are outside of our own families. This is because our elders carry the wisdom of generations, and their stories and legacies are each deep and powerful blessings for the future.

I became familiar with Casey’s Pond right when I moved here and I started visiting the residents every month to celebrate and educate about Shabbat together. Every month, our gathering grows and I have really gotten to know and love the residents of Casey’s Pond — Jewish and non-Jewish alike.

When I spend time there, residents open up to me about their spiritual journeys, ask questions about aging, have the ability to pray for healing and mourn the losses in their lives, and also have been able to ask difficult questions as they near the final chapter of their lives. During my visits, there are often tears shed … which I believe is so important for their quality of life, sense of spirituality, release and healing of the body, mind and spirit.

I have also gotten to know the many angels who work there as staff and volunteers and they frequently come to me for spiritual council as well. Throughout this difficult period at Casey’s Pond, I am visiting every week instead of every month to provide additional support to residents, staff and families. I have many congregants who have parents and grandparents at Casey’s Pond and they are currently in a state of panic with the undetermined fate of their loved ones. Casey’s Pond is a pillar for this community and its closing would be a tremendous devastation for the entire community. We need a miracle.

Rabbi Kolby Morris Dahary
Oak Creek

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