Sarah Coleman: Pumpkin spice and oh so nice …

Sarah Coleman

Happy Fall! ‘Tis the season of the pumpkin. Baked, canned, carved, latted (is that a word?), sweet, savory, you name it. The pumpkin goes all ways. Let’s celebrate with a few fun recipes to get you in the fall holiday mood.

Pumpkin Smoothie Bowl
• 1 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
• 2 bananas
• 1 cup almond milk
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• 1/s tsp nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice
Combine smoothie bowl ingredients in a blender. Garnish with toppings of your choice. Toppings: whatever you’d like — apple, nuts, granola, chia seeds, cinnamon, etc.

Pumpkin Energy Balls
• 1 and 1/2 cups rolled oats
• 1/2 cup almond butter
• 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips
• 1/3 cup honey
• 1/4 cup ground flaxseed
• 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
• 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
Combine everything together and form into balls. Refrigerate and enjoy.

Pumpkin pancakes
• 4 eggs
• 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
• 1 tbsp maple syrup
• 1 tsp baking powder
• 1/2 cup almond meal
• 2 tbsp coconut flour
• 1 tsp cinnamon
Mix everything together. Heat up skillet with coconut oil and construct pancakes in your favorite shape. Serve with Greek yogurt and berries.

Pumpkin hummus
• 1 15-ounce can chickpeas (drained)
• 1 garlic clove
• Juice of 1 lemon
• 5 tbsp each pumpkin, tahini and olive oil
• 2 tbsp water
• Season with salt
Puree everything together to desired thickness. Top with toasted pine nuts or pepitas. Serve with cucumber slices.

Deviled Eggs
• 12 hard-boiled eggs
• 1/3 cup pumpkin
• 1 avocado (great mayo substitute)
• 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
• 1/2 tsp each ground coriander, pepper, and salt
Halve the eggs. Spoon out yolks and mash into the rest of the ingredients. Fill the whites and top with paprika.

Get creative. Try adding pumpkin in your next batch of chili or to your favorite curry dish. The pumpkin possibilities are endless. Just don’t forget to do your burpees. Happy eating and happy fall ya’ll.

Sarah Coleman is a recovery, life and wellness coach at Emerald Integrative Health, a personal trainer and fitness coach at Steamboat Fit, a CrossFitter, a food connoisseur, meal prep chef and an outdoor enthusiast.

Sarah Coleman
Courtesy photo

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